Friday, November 26, 2010

Endless Blue - Week 48 - The Synesthete Synod and the Art of Sensate Divination


The Synesthete Synod and the Art of Sensate Divination

Just as the oceans of Elqua have water currents layered over gulf streams over deep see undertows, so to have the political forces that govern the Fluid Nations.  Local territories vying for dominance under the province of  homesea governments conducting détente and espionage among their peers.  But above this level of intrigue run the currents of secret organizations -- groups of faceless, nameless pisceans with the power and resources to guide the Known World in the direction of their choosing.  Under their self-interested direction, they influence the policies and cultures of the Endless Blue from afar, bringing about a new world order that the few aware of this interference want to succeed.  The organization's adherents are known as Sensates, and the name of their governing council is whispered among the free pisceans: The Synesthete Synod.

What is Synesthesia?

Those precious few blessed with the gift of inate precognition experience the world quite differently than the majority.  They see the world around them in all its beauty and horror, but their senses are intertwined.  Stimuli that would normally only trigger a single sense for the average piscean can trigger multiple senses for a synesthete.  A certain sound would trigger a taste on the synesthete's tongue, or a brushing touch elicits a scent on their gills.  This condition has be described as a "union of senses", and intrinsically alters the individual perception of events and the world.

But synesthesia need not manifest in such generalized reactions.  The most common form of synesthesia -- at least 60% of those that possess the condition -- expresses itself as a cross-linking between two forms of sight.  When reading letters and numbers, these synesthetes automatically associate color to each grapheme.  One letter would be seen as written in blue while another penned in green, regardless of the actual color in which the text is printed.

Synesthesia is an additive condition, meaning that extra sensory input is invoked in response to proper stimuli.  It has been described by some that experience its effect that the world around them has an "overlay of color" or other form of sense.  Artistic interpretations of the condition have revealed a synesthete experiences the world as an ongoing masterpiece of art, sound, and other senses.  However, not every experience from synesthesia is pleasant.  Jarring sounds that would trigger the fight or flight reflex in a normal Elquan would take on an additional layer of disruptive sensation in a synesthete, such as visual flashing of color or a sharp taste of bitterness.  And since synesthesia is an autonomic process, there is no respite to the negative sensory overload -- it cannot be turned off.

The addition of color to one of a synesthete's senses is the most common expression of the condition, but not the only expression.  Not only could symbols trigger the association of color, but flavors, scents, touch -- even emotions of the self or the personalities of others.  The additive information is not limited to color, but can invoke tastes, smell, temperature, or touch.  It is this matrix of sense-to-sensation that makes the condition powerfully potent in the use of divination.

Divination of the Synesthetes

Divination expresses itself through the minds of those both bemused and addled with synesthesia's sensory feedback. When all the aspects of synesthesia are in harmony -- ie. the extra sensations other than the knowledge itself are pleasurable.  The more pleasurable the sensations in contemplation and completion of an action, the more beneficial the result.  However, even if two different individuals share the same kind of synesthesia, rare do the associations coincide.  In sound/color synesthetes, while one might see red when hearing a bass sound, the other might see violet.  As pitch increases, the first may see a lighter shade of red at one octave higher, while the other may instead see yellow for the same note.  The same applies to the other sensations, and it is this difference that leads to personalized divination.

For example, through number/color synesthesia patterns can be found.  The following pattern represents the input of stimulus that anyone experiences daily without the gifts of divination or synesthesia:

For those that are not fortunate to have their senses in union, divining the future would look much like this:

At first glimpse, the field is a blurring tapestry of light and dark.  Even looking closely, a piscean can barely make out that the pattern is comprised of 5s with some 2s intermixed.  But to a synesthete, the pattern jumps out vividly with but a glance:
Information discerned through Synesthesia

The clues for the hidden data are there for any diviner to see, but it the comprehension of that encrypted information that is unclear.  Such is the way of most divination.  But when coupled with the insights bestowed by synesthesia, patterns not only become clear but reveal their meaning more implicitly.  Now, the future is rarely ever so simple.  The following pattern is more random, where the threads of numbers become more diffuse just as the threads of fate are unfathomable:
Data hidden amongst greater complexity.

The same data is being convey as the first message, but now the ancillary data further obscures the divination.  But coupled with synesthesia, even corruption of the pure message becomes clear:
Information interprated through Synesthesia

It is this "corruption" that the Sensates are attempting to resolve y their influence over Elquan life.  By small applications of their art, a nudge here and a urging there, they hope to maneuver events into a pattern that is more syncopated with their senses.  They hope to guide the anomalous sensory input (such as the green digits in the above example) into a more esthetically pleasing sensation, thereby altering the course of events by way of  personal taste.  Through their actions, they would alter the dispersal of 4s and 6s, reducing their presence so the inherent message came through clearer.

The particulars of an individual Sensate's expression of synesthesia (be it grapheme/color, number/form, or even emotion/flavor) are personal, and so personality is a factor in what is considered pleasant.  As such, two Sensates may end up working at cross purposes when their synesthesias manifest in contrary manners.  Due to this, most synesthetes eschew working directly with others of their ilk, especially those with the same sensory pairing.  In rare occasions the synesthesia of two individuals meshes seamlessly, and it is the Synesthete Synod's ongoing mandate to find those whose gifts compliment each other and support the resultant divination.  It is the dream of the five seat inner council to uncover a set of five special synesthetes whom all work in unison.  In this way, the Synod is as much a victim of Sensate manipulation as the conspiratorial-minded pisceans accuse them.

The Sensate World Order

To enact their alterations on the passing of history, Sensates must make a very hands-on effort.  While they will employ others to carry out their edits to current events, they themselves still must take an active role in order to gauge the effectiveness with their synesthesia.  This has led to the second reason they are called Sensates, and this time in a negative connotation.  Sometimes great lengths must be taken to enact change, and indulging in the urges of others -- a form of leading the way -- is one of the surest methods.

A direct result of this approach has synesthetes participating in the same seductions they are using on their target.  The have developed a reputation of hedonism and indulgence that the Olyhydran church has decried, and the two influential parties have become bitter enemies.  The totalitarian edicts of Olyhydranism are diametrically opposite of the perceived decadence of the Sensates, and the church has begun a doctrine of vilifying synesthesia as corruption and divination as sin.  One of the most difficult challenges for the Synesthete Synod and the pursuit of their New World Order is the interference of the Olyhydran religion.  To seduce a mind that has dedicated its soul to servitude requires a steady hand and a light touch else their machinations may collapse around them and irrevocably destroy any hope of synesthetic harmony.  The Matron of the Waters has decreed to her flock that the veniality that Sensates wallow in is unforgivable, casting those whom succumb to the Vastness for eternal damnation among the aberrations.

"From the flavor of music to the caress of thought,
the cacophony of existence can be conducted to suit one's taste..."

-- Dogma of the Synesthete Synod.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Endless Blue - Week 47 - Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse in sem leo, ut suscipit turpis. Proin sit amet bibendum felis. Quisque eget dolor quis felis pharetra imperdiet. Donec dapibus fringilla arcu, porta convallis lacus bibendum et. Vivamus sem nulla, ultricies nec viverra non, elementum vel ipsum. Ut leo est, placerat id cursus eget, ultricies id elit. Etiam fermentum rutrum mauris at pulvinar. Cras vehicula fermentum massa ac gravida. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque aliquam sollicitudin massa, ac viverra sem dapibus non. Fusce nisi odio, ultrices eget porttitor ac, congue ac enim. Etiam congue tempus neque placerat laoreet.

Ut in augue erat, vel bibendum velit. Ut aliquet pulvinar interdum. Sed ullamcorper dictum diam quis imperdiet. Donec non lectus non turpis interdum volutpat at vitae eros. Aenean a nisi nibh. Proin sapien massa, sollicitudin vel egestas placerat, rhoncus at lorem. Nunc consequat urna sit amet justo convallis posuere ultricies est molestie. Vestibulum id nunc eu diam euismod tincidunt. Cras consequat euismod enim ac hendrerit. Quisque cursus placerat consectetur.

Suspendisse scelerisque mollis pulvinar. Etiam accumsan, arcu vel consectetur blandit, felis metus tristique tellus, in venenatis tortor tellus in nisl. Duis commodo, risus sed elementum fringilla, nulla neque adipiscing purus, in eleifend mi risus sed nunc. Ut nec nibh vel neque hendrerit hendrerit sed vitae purus. Pellentesque tristique ipsum sapien, at placerat est. Duis at nisl purus. Nulla ante odio, auctor sed hendrerit in, fermentum a sem. Proin vel velit orci. In venenatis urna sed quam tincidunt id molestie purus interdum. Morbi accumsan mauris id turpis condimentum tincidunt mattis quam aliquet. Fusce et arcu lorem. Nulla lobortis consectetur rutrum. Praesent in est sem, accumsan faucibus lectus. Praesent porta tincidunt pretium. Sed tristique viverra ante. Nullam dictum justo ut est tincidunt sodales. Fusce pulvinar blandit elit ut facilisis. Integer condimentum tellus ut est consectetur vel faucibus turpis accumsan.

Pellentesque molestie dolor ut leo posuere in gravida enim consequat. Integer congue convallis rutrum. Nam sit amet metus ut tellus cursus malesuada vitae eu neque. Maecenas vel mauris sit amet mauris egestas iaculis sed eu sapien. Vivamus vitae lacus arcu. Aenean at sollicitudin ipsum. Morbi id leo in dolor ultrices iaculis et id purus. Sed condimentum ipsum non sapien bibendum vitae fringilla orci gravida. Nam ornare ullamcorper faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac gravida lacus. Sed ut magna mauris, vel ultricies lacus. Mauris rhoncus libero eget purus congue convallis egestas sapien tincidunt.

Mauris ut sem mollis dui faucibus condimentum sit amet ac tortor. Nullam orci purus, volutpat eu dignissim a, scelerisque sit amet neque. Sed facilisis pellentesque est sed sagittis. Integer dignissim enim ac tortor lacinia ut euismod tellus auctor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer sed arcu sed sapien tempor hendrerit nec non turpis. Nullam ultrices tortor non dui venenatis pretium in non nulla. Donec vulputate posuere dolor eu sollicitudin. Fusce enim nisi, auctor nec laoreet eget, blandit vitae tortor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce justo urna, cursus scelerisque sodales vel, bibendum vitae nulla. Nulla interdum, mauris vitae hendrerit suscipit, justo arcu pellentesque erat, eget vehicula lectus tortor at purus.

Cras faucibus tortor nec ante dictum sit amet ultricies tellus sollicitudin. Mauris lacinia, sapien vitae varius tempus, eros nisl porta nisi, non ornare risus nibh ut neque. Nunc sed dui quis ante euismod mollis. Nam semper tortor eget urna pharetra et porta justo lobortis. Sed erat eros, adipiscing nec sagittis sit amet, posuere vitae felis. Mauris tincidunt enim id enim commodo at posuere arcu fringilla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent sollicitudin pretium sapien id adipiscing. Etiam dolor metus, tincidunt eu ornare in, gravida accumsan tortor. In tristique dignissim metus, id venenatis nunc imperdiet nec. Sed cursus dolor vel velit luctus ac tincidunt quam congue. Praesent ac quam mi, quis ultricies elit. Nunc mollis erat sit amet dolor faucibus luctus. Mauris vel nulla at nulla congue tristique posuere et ante. In rhoncus posuere nisi, vel congue dolor posuere id. Nam viverra pharetra velit, quis auctor augue consequat dignissim. Aliquam enim tellus, varius et accumsan eu, adipiscing ac magna. Suspendisse ut mi ipsum. Phasellus fermentum, ante et facilisis facilisis, eros purus fringilla nulla, at vulputate mi mi ut justo.

Nunc vitae erat quis justo rutrum pellentesque in eu purus. Pellentesque blandit vulputate leo nec euismod. Quisque pharetra laoreet elit vel consequat. Maecenas pharetra elit in diam egestas semper. In fermentum accumsan sem, eget tincidunt nisi pretium a. Maecenas mi metus, pellentesque eu vestibulum ac, sodales id metus. Sed ac ligula quis tellus hendrerit fermentum. Vivamus a sapien a purus varius pharetra. Duis a metus nec purus placerat aliquet vel eu est. Etiam volutpat, augue a ultrices auctor, tortor lorem placerat eros, at vestibulum magna turpis vel est. In sed accumsan urna.

Ut mattis rhoncus dolor et eleifend. Pellentesque vestibulum vestibulum faucibus. Fusce ipsum arcu, tempor sit amet dictum ut, vehicula sit amet massa. Cras interdum nisi sit amet ante condimentum nec iaculis orci bibendum. Ut sed metus vitae turpis aliquet euismod. Proin nisi erat, congue in venenatis eu, convallis quis nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In congue pellentesque lectus in luctus. In laoreet hendrerit sem at pulvinar. Morbi eget urna ligula. Vivamus eu leo enim. Donec sagittis odio quis lectus elementum pulvinar. Duis volutpat pulvinar felis quis hendrerit. Sed odio sem, luctus cursus tempus nec, facilisis a nulla. In pharetra tellus bibendum velit feugiat ullamcorper.

Vivamus sollicitudin cursus tristique. Mauris vehicula imperdiet lectus. Phasellus ut aliquet nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam lobortis nisi luctus metus laoreet eget mollis diam venenatis. Aenean turpis leo, tincidunt quis facilisis ac, suscipit in ante. Maecenas nec velit lacus, ut lobortis ipsum. Donec magna lacus, volutpat ut dictum porta, feugiat eu nulla. Proin lorem eros, dignissim sit amet tempor eget, adipiscing sed enim. Pellentesque ut erat vitae felis posuere placerat id a neque. Sed vel dui ligula. Nullam nunc orci, ultrices et suscipit ut, vulputate ac urna. Duis pretium laoreet vulputate. Curabitur posuere nibh eu eros molestie mollis. Donec ultrices quam leo, et elementum sapien. Proin vel massa nec orci porta malesuada viverra id enim. Nunc mollis odio in eros pharetra consectetur. Nunc sodales felis in augue accumsan at consectetur erat facilisis. Ut elementum eros quis odio facilisis pharetra. Donec iaculis dolor vel eros tempus venenatis.

Etiam bibendum, nunc at porttitor porta, lectus nunc rutrum libero, dictum suscipit velit elit vel nisl. Etiam quis neque sit amet felis pellentesque aliquam. Donec placerat rutrum nulla a euismod. Vestibulum et risus felis. Curabitur tristique neque id est rutrum sit amet varius dolor semper. Quisque aliquet tincidunt magna, ut suscipit felis convallis vel. Maecenas vitae tellus sem. Sed ultricies lectus sed diam sagittis vel ultricies nulla imperdiet. Ut dignissim mi at mi malesuada nec fringilla sapien pellentesque. Nullam id velit at urna tristique cursus.

Ut ac quam a eros hendrerit interdum sit amet quis nunc. Fusce sed feugiat lorem. Suspendisse quis magna at nisl sagittis cursus. Fusce ut leo tellus. Maecenas a tristique sapien. Phasellus vitae tortor quis lacus varius consequat at eu quam. In rhoncus eleifend justo, pharetra adipiscing nulla volutpat nec. Sed ornare, orci quis hendrerit convallis, elit metus porttitor massa, et auctor metus diam sed sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque eget massa tortor, posuere sodales neque. Nulla laoreet consequat libero, non accumsan nulla imperdiet ut.
Ut consectetur mauris at mi vulputate ornare. Maecenas vehicula hendrerit velit in gravida. Nunc dolor orci, gravida vitae molestie vitae, adipiscing vitae ipsum. Proin massa quam, hendrerit in volutpat in, eleifend in nisl. Donec varius vulputate mi eu tempor. Sed tristique, velit eu malesuada scelerisque, enim eros molestie mi, eu molestie odio arcu at nunc. Aenean gravida iaculis lacinia. Nulla faucibus consequat ante, lobortis hendrerit odio vehicula gravida. Quisque ac sem non enim pharetra ullamcorper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas quis risus nisi. Fusce lorem enim, varius a consequat non, iaculis eu enim. Fusce pharetra ante id erat lobortis malesuada. Donec consectetur, turpis sed pharetra venenatis, augue sapien lacinia turpis, vel sodales nulla enim eu nulla. Donec massa purus, dictum at dictum ac, interdum vel lorem. Donec vitae mi eget enim consequat euismod. Proin et neque ante. Donec mattis sem ut nisi commodo eget commodo nisl interdum. Pellentesque fermentum risus sit amet nisi fringilla vel rutrum metus tristique. Sed non ipsum massa.

Maecenas fermentum euismod odio, id sollicitudin augue feugiat in. Vestibulum lobortis odio sit amet tellus laoreet aliquet. Donec mi eros, gravida id ullamcorper a, adipiscing at lorem. Donec at mi ut lacus ullamcorper porta. Sed placerat semper justo, non viverra dolor lobortis in. Ut leo nunc, aliquam et sagittis at, elementum eget ipsum. Vestibulum ullamcorper tincidunt pretium. Integer in consectetur libero. Sed volutpat quam non nunc dignissim hendrerit. Mauris nisl nunc, interdum sit amet laoreet quis, blandit vel nisl. Nulla elit dui, sagittis vehicula feugiat non, mattis sed enim. Donec non orci ante. Nulla vitae ante velit, vel euismod justo. Etiam in elementum magna. Etiam pulvinar condimentum dui. Etiam pretium lobortis orci tincidunt venenatis.
Etiam in dolor quam, in commodo velit. Quisque in dui id dui aliquam facilisis ac et magna. Nam nec posuere augue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris tristique bibendum elit et elementum. Fusce velit nibh, auctor at malesuada non, euismod id ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent purus lorem, elementum eget blandit et, pretium quis mi. Sed pulvinar nisi nec nulla porta sollicitudin. Donec egestas nisl eget elit hendrerit vel pulvinar erat consequat. Proin a quam massa, sed tempor urna. Maecenas vel arcu sed augue accumsan sodales vitae at velit. Donec vel nisi quis nisl ornare bibendum. Integer euismod nisl sed mi elementum eget malesuada massa lacinia.

Vivamus imperdiet luctus vestibulum. Integer et lacus dolor, et rhoncus ante. Nam at odio magna, et interdum ipsum. Pellentesque ac augue eget augue dapibus consectetur in sodales ante. Aliquam vestibulum pharetra bibendum. Sed dictum volutpat interdum. Nulla imperdiet ultrices arcu, ut vulputate libero scelerisque non. Praesent laoreet porta enim in tempor. Pellentesque viverra malesuada neque a tempor. Nunc blandit gravida pharetra. Integer cursus lorem ac urna venenatis ut laoreet purus sodales. Etiam interdum mollis feugiat. Cras facilisis augue non lectus tempor sed vulputate quam accumsan. Praesent et odio et augue dictum adipiscing eu at lectus. Sed imperdiet imperdiet metus sit amet egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi cursus tempor eros a tempus. Mauris imperdiet enim lacinia orci auctor iaculis. Quisque vel erat eu felis dapibus luctus. Quisque vulputate leo in lorem porttitor dignissim rhoncus eros pharetra.
Nulla eget eros ultricies justo iaculis aliquet sed sit amet sapien. Fusce tempor risus sit amet erat ullamcorper eget vestibulum augue imperdiet. Sed dictum, urna at commodo accumsan, diam massa dignissim elit, id tempus mauris nibh quis mauris. Nullam laoreet dolor eu risus bibendum vitae fringilla nunc varius. Ut placerat congue arcu in sagittis. Mauris a commodo turpis. Integer malesuada fermentum diam sed auctor. Donec neque felis, vestibulum id pulvinar eu, convallis id urna. Ut tempor magna magna, non adipiscing nibh. Sed vulputate hendrerit consectetur. Nam vestibulum massa vel erat pretium tempor. Quisque eget blandit felis. Cras elementum sapien a quam semper pretium. Ut euismod, lorem id faucibus posuere, tortor odio pellentesque ante, nec ultricies nunc ligula et velit. Curabitur sem sapien, vestibulum non tristique vitae, volutpat ac ligula. Donec vestibulum diam magna. Etiam eu enim eget arcu imperdiet scelerisque non eget est. Cras ac tortor odio.

Praesent convallis, nisl a facilisis posuere, libero mauris imperdiet enim, vel bibendum sem odio nec elit. Integer eleifend urna id nisl sodales vitae convallis justo pulvinar. Morbi venenatis imperdiet rhoncus. Vestibulum blandit ipsum sed sapien venenatis at suscipit lorem accumsan. Suspendisse at dolor augue. Fusce elementum, dui in porta eleifend, risus purus convallis eros, eu blandit tellus nibh in elit. Nunc dictum purus in elit elementum elementum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada.

"Phasellus consectetur metus in ante accumsan congue..."
-- Lorem Ipsum, dolor sit amet.

Endless Blue - Week 47 - The Tantalum Mask of Icht


The Tantalum Mask of Icht

The Tantalum Mask of Icht is one of the few remnants of the Icht Dominion left in the hands of modern pisceans.  Little is known of the race that once held sway over so much of the Known World, and what is known is actually vague supposition based on assumptions about this relic.  The artifact is a full face mask with a hinged strap covering the bottom lip and chin.  Two very wide and widely spaced  rhomboid holes serve as eye sockets, with the space under bridge between the eyes and the upper lip sweeping out about two and a half feet to a blunt point.  It is otherwise unadorned, showing the strange bluish-grey, lustrous metal that comprises its nearly spherical shape.  Around the back flares a conical lip, extending perhaps half a foot outwards and upwards, forming a collar.  It too is made from the same strange metal, though how any of this piece of antiquity was made has been lost to the silent depths of the Shelf.


The Tantalum Mask first came to light in a consignment of trade goods imported by the Yaun-Teel from the Kouton Bay.  Its significance at that time was unrealized, and was auctioned for a relatively moderate profit based on the unknown substance of which it was comprised.  Records of the purchaser were kept secret, but the next appearance of the mask was in the Arkwall University's Library of Antiquities.  There it languished more as a curiosity of dubious origin.  It was not until the concerted effort of a group of researchers that established it was of Ichthian origin.

This consortium of students became what was perhaps the most thorough and insightful exploration of the Icht culture, and for a while reaped the benefits of fame and influence as a result.  That golden time of popularity was not to last, and slowly, almost unnoticed, the membership began to pear down due to revilement or shame.  Few escaped the seductive urge to end it all, and by the time any of the membership realized what had happen the group had disintegrated and the members dead at their own hand.  The exhibit of Ichthian artifacts was put in storage and forgotten.  It was not until several decades later that the University was reminded they even owned the relic, only to find it had gone missing.  Reconstruction of the loss led the administration to believe the item had be stolen by a tenured professor and sold on the black market.

The Tantalum Mask did not rise to the attention of historians again until the Kraken Occupation, where it was rumored to have beenn sequestered among the tribute of various Kraken squid.  As a war prize, the plundered relic was never officially or reputably seen, but Kouton recollection of the war have made mention of the "pointed shell made of strange metal".  Unfortunately the price demanded by the Kouton for more detailed information was too high for the passing interest of most who researched it or out of the reach of those whom passed it on to newer owners.

Campaign Use

Dissension and sorrow are the inevitable ends wherever the Tantalum Mask is found, but rarely is it ever seen for the emotional drain that it is.  Usually it is sought after, as a boon or treasure, and jealously kept.  Those of affluence, safe to point of boredom with their money, are perfect prey for the inanimate mask to slowly subvert.  An individual such as this may hire the group to recover the tantalizing tantalum creation, perhaps from the possession of another such spoiled soul.  The vain and conceited one may even be one of the party, seeking the artifact as a means to boost their own inflated sense of entitlement and attractiveness.  In the hands of such as these miserable souls, the Tantalum Mask will be coveted and abused to its fullest extent.  It is during this period off frequent utilization that the spell of despite will cloak their minds and turn their once over abundant esteem into festering disdain.



- The wearer becomes cloaked from prying eyes, so strong was the stigma of the Icht and their looks.  The shame of their countenance seeped into the mask and festered there, stagnant and malign.  Immunity to most any form of divination magic is imbued while the wearer hides his facial features behind the featureless, lustrous material.  Spells such as discern alignment, true seeing do not function when centered on or even vaguely including the Tantalum Masked person, nor can he be scryed upon.

- The torturous longing to beautiful by an entire species has imbued the artifact with a +5 divine bonus to Charisma.  Whenever a Charisma or Charisma-based skill check is failed, the wearer automatically benefits from a single reroll.  If this second roll fails, it cannot be attempted again under the pervading circumstances.


- Their revulsion of their own visage made them ashamed, and pushed the Icht to disguise themselves whenever possible.  Not only does the Tantalus Mask block their true likeness from being gleaned, but it bestows the ability to alter the wearer's appearance at will.  Just as the face in the mask is nothing like the face behind it, the wearer can make himself appear as any race or species he sees as more attractive.  This acts like an alter self spell, but with the limitation that it can never be used to make the individual appear as another of his own race.  This effect lasts for 24 hours and remains in place for that long even if the mask is taken off or rendered inert.  The number of changes the wearer can make is unlimited, but the individual will remain the same size category as his original form.  The wearer need only imagine the change in his mind and it becomes so.

- The deep luster of the  Tantalum Mask has beguiling properties to those who view it.  They will be come enraptured by the play of color and light across the ripply mirror finish.  Once per day, the wearer may cat the following spells:  hypnotism, suggestion, charm, dominate person.  The target of the spells must be able to see the mask's wearer and then see themselves reflected in the mask's liquid-mirage shine.


- The longer the mask is worn, the greater the individual's self-esteem plummets and their self-loathing escalates.  As they become more despondent and lose all hope in the future, depression and revulsion in their own appearance will drive them to more desperate measures to improve their image.  Unbidden, the Tantalum Mask begins to force sycophantic praises from those weak willed around it by means of command, and slowly warps the sound of these faint praises into whispered insults.  The edge and depth of these cuts will grow in severity, exacerbating the wearer's already floundering sense of worth, inevitably driving him to seek the only logical method of ending the torment -- by ending his own existence.

- Failed Charisma or Charisma-based skill checks made while the mask is disguising the wearer as another species result in a racist hatred forming in the mind of the wearer, railing against the race's inherent inferiority to allow the wearer to pass the check's Difficulty Class.  The wearer will never again attempt to disguise himself as that species again, and treats others of that race as repulsive.  There are no exceptions to this, and this disgust automatically applies to his own race.

Suggested Means of Destruction

The Icht must be convinced to abandon their virulent despite of their intrinsic beauty.
It must be hidden among utter ugliness for 100 years.
The mask must replace the skull of the most beautiful piscean in the waters of Elqua.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Endless Blue - Week 46 - Orbs of Krakenkind


Orbs of Krakenkind

Particularly potent relics of a time when the Elder Squids hunted the waters of the Endless Blue, each Orb of Krakenkind is a sphere about one foot in diameter.  Its out layer has a thick, unyeilding texture, like slathered on shellac, that taints the viscous goo entrapped within its confines with a hue of molten amber.  Suspended in the tacky inner mucus is a free floating darkness, barely visible through the occluded sebaceous muck.  This suspended mass, untethered to the Orb's outer veneer, weighs heavily despite the surrounding ocean pressures.  This un-anchored center of gravity makes holding either sphere balanced a difficult task, and no matter what the depth it is taken to it will always pull downward with a negative buoyancy.

An unactivated Orb of Krakenkind
An Orb of Krakenkind when first discovered.
The whirling, swirling, twirling miasma of oily, waxy oozes has no perceptible pattern to its internal  flux, seeming to be an eternal current of featureless ichor and bile.  Only once its ancient powers are activated does the thick curtain of scum part and a huge iris, rippled with golden hues of color and tensed lengths of muscle.  Smack dab in the center of that constantly refocusing iris gapes the terrifying waved shape of a Kraken's pupil.  It stares directly out, its penetrating gaze constant in a single direct no matter which direction the Orb is turned.

Front view of an Orb of Kraken Kind
An Orb of Krakenkind once activated.

Evidence of the existence of any of the Orbs of Krakenkind is mostly supposition and vagaries, accumulated through the telling and retelling of mythical folklore.  True evidence of the primordial subsistence of such artifacts is generally cited as the work of fevered dreams or broken minds.

Despite eloquent theories and plausible rationalizations, there are in actuality only a single pair of Krakonic Orbs.  The matched pair of orbs forever point in opposite directions.  As one always gazes into the past and the other peers into the future, they can never look at each other.  Attempt to turn the first in the direction of its mate will cause the mate to move, much like magnets with the same polarity.  If the mate is constrained or has more force pushing on it to keep it from moving, the first cannot turn at all.  A very literal example of irresistible force meeting immovable object.

When in use, the iris of the eyes sheds a glow that matches the Era of history being viewed.  Only the Cardinal, Bronze, Golden, and Verdant/Verdigris eras can be scryed through the Krakonian Orb of Past and conversely only the Indigo, Violaceous, and Livid ages can be spied through the Krakonian Orb of Future.  Moments of the Cerulean Era ares split between the two eyes as is fitting the time the investigated incidents occurred.  Once activated, the pupil then dilates from the infamous w-shape into a round portal in which the time and place may be observed.

Historians assert one of the Orbs must have been used to prophesy the unification of the Kraken species and ascendancy into the occupying empire that dominated the Fluid Nations.  How else, they argue, could such a fickle, uncooperative race put aside their instinctive tendencies and put the needs of the whole over the interests of the one without direct evidence of beneficial results?  To see is to believe, and before the Kraken Empire held sway over the Known World no one would have foreseen their alliance.

Campaign Use

Relics that predict future events pose an incredible boon to those that can auger their messages, and seeking out such means of prognostication would be highly sought after.  The quest to find just one Orb of Krakenkind is but the start of a longer adventure, involving the unique properties of the Orbs to seek out its mate.  The eye that looks back through time can leave glimpses of the places where the other Orb once stood, or the eyes that spies forward may leave tantalizing hits of where the adventurers need to head next.  But even with just a single Krakonian Orb the possibilities unbounded by the limits of time.



- The pupils of either Orb will always point away from its partner's location.  At far distances the shift in direction the eye focuses is hard to gauge, but the closer the two come in proximity the greater the movement.  This is sort of a reverse compass, a load-stone effect pointing diametrically away from the object of desire.


- Either Orb of Krakenkind can activate the following divination spells at will, but can only affect targets in periods of time appropriate for the particular eye: locate object, clairaudience/clairvoyance, scrying

- Either Orb of Krakenkind can activate the following divination spells oncer per day, but can only affect targets in periods of time appropriate for the particular eye: legend lore, divination, find the path

- Either Orb of Krakenkind can activate the following divination spells oncer per week, but can only affect targets in periods of time appropriate for the particular eye: discern location, foresight
- The closer the two eyes come to each other, the clearer the prophecy that they reveal becomes.  To hold both eyes in either hand is believed to grant the bearer omniscience of history and future to the finest detail.
- The more the possessor indulges in the auguries of the Krakonian Orbs, the more malformed their minds become.  Slowly they lose their familiar personality quirks and stark taking on a distant, yet territorial mindset. Thought by though, the mind of the holder become more like that of a Kraken, driven by the same primordial urges of avarice and hunger that made the species feared across the seas of Elqua.  With both orbs in his possession, the holder begins a slow, horrifying metamorphosis, losing all connection with their piscean form and transmogrifying into a dread squid in both body and mind.  With this remaking of a lone individual into a massive Kraken, the Orbs complete their most insidious purpose -- the ressurection of the Kraken race.  The newly transformed Kraken's first impulse will be to sequester the orbs away in seperate but equally devious hiding places until the hubris of a new questor seeks out their terrible powers.
Suggested Means of Destruction

The eyes must be made to look at each other.
Both of the Orbs must be smashed at the exact moment as the other, while the act is replayed through its own dilated pupil.
The Orb must be hatched in the nursery of a non-extinct Kraken.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Endless Blue - Week 45 - Khantusk: Cetacean Symbol of Absolute Allegiance


Khantusk: Cetacean Symbol of Absolute Allegiance

Khantusk is the jutting tooth from the long-deceased First Khan, pulled from its root during the battle with the Leviathan of Coinchenn.  As long as a mer's arm and just as thick, it would be an excessive large example of the tusk for even the biggest narwhal.  Its time-yellowed  ivory is stained a with a brown patina of weathered age that is emphasized by the pale engraving along its slightly upward curve that show lividly from the surrounding patina.  Shod near its root and tip with a band of lustrous black pearl, which anchor loosely wrapped, finely woven ribbons of velvet embroidered with text of silk thread.  The runic Aquelan symbols carved into the tusk that cite the militaristic violence committed during the First Khan's dynasty are swaddled by the calligraphic Verse sigils stitched into the wrap that recount the adulation of His loyal citizenry.  The artifact is far from pristine, with the stain of ancient blood on the ribbons, a cracked  bark-like texture, a fractured tip and a substantial divot missing from where the Leviathan ripped it from the First Khan's mouth.  Most notable is the weight of Khantusk.  First picked up, it is light, almost uplifting itself into the hands of a bearer; however as the mantle of leadership pulls down on the bearer, Khantusk weighs ever more heavily.


In the early ages of the Cetacean Barbarians, the disparate currents were united under a single leader.  Taking the title of Khan, this narwhal led the orcan tribes on a campaign of invasion and bloodshed that ensured their place in early Elquan history.  A campaign was begun, targeting the wayward Cetacean tribes across the Known World, invading the fledgling societies and cutting a swath of violence and atrocity across the Cetacean Oceans.  Pod after pod either pledged their absolute, undying allegiance to the Khan of the Cetacean Hordes, or were crushed by the Hordes masses.  Those that joined the Khan's cause were incorporated into the Hordes, dispersed among the Eight Banners so no one force was comprised too much of any one subjugated pod.

Eventually the unification of the Cetacean Oceans was not enough for the glory-seeking First Khan, and the turned is avaricious gaze towards the rest of the Known World.  His frenzied Hordes relentlessly raided the no mer's sea borders of the neighboring Chelon, Lumulus, and Mer homeseas.   Fear of impending incursion by their neighbors proved true, and the First Khan began a systematic invasion of territory that redefined the borders of the Fluid Nations.  Success after of ruthless success, victory after bloody victory, the dread of the Cetacean Hordes grew as their savagery and cruelty increased.

What could have been a new era in governance of the oceans of Elqua saw a change in timber, and the unshakable faith of the Orcans in their First Khan began to waver.  As dire and focused a military race they may be, even the combat centric civilization of the Horde began to balk at the First Khan's brutality.  No longer did the Khan demand fealty from the conquered, but subservience.  Those of his inner circle that worshiped him as divinity incarnate were no longer shown the attention of his charisma, but instead were treated as the warbeasts that were enslaved in the Horde's masses.  The First Khan's drive for perfection became obsession, and finally manifest in irresistible compulsion.  No where was the fall of the Khan's fame more clearly illustrated than the drive to dominate the Mer tribe known as the Dumasque.

The resistance of this one particular tribe of Mer, dwarfed in size and strength by the massively built Orcans, would have at an earlier time filled the minds and hearts of the Cetacean poet-warriors with pride.  Never before in their prehistory had they face so spirited an opponent, so unbreakable a species, as the Dumasque.  Combat is honor, and honor is life to the Orcans, and the conflict with the Dumasque exemplified that ideal.  But frustration mounted in the brow of the First Khan.  How dare these inferiors, these smaller pisceans, the inconsequential creatures stand in the way of His unification.  The more the Dumasque resisted, the more consumed with their defeat the Khan became.  His tactics grew more desperate, his methods more cruel.  He drew needed attention and resources from the rest of His dynasty to deal with this tiny obstacle.  Those among his Inner Circle that voiced simple concern, let alone opposition to the Khan's will, were ostracized to the front lines.  So single-minded was the Khan's obsession that once He finally expelled the Dumasque from their water, He did not rest his loyal-but-spent soldiers.  Instead, he vowed their obliteration from the seas of the world, and continued to chase the retreating survivors.  This advance history dubbed the Khan's Folly, as it took the dynasty's beleaguered and exhausted forces to their ultimate failure -- the Undertow.

The Khan's forces were decimated there, sucked down into the abyssal depths of Elqua by the Undertow by uncaring order of their warlord.  As the Dumasque, caught between the gyre of the Undertow and genocide by the ravening Khan, they chose destruction by the whirlpool.  The Khan would not accept this, and sent the Horde in after them.  The resultant chaos left barely a tenth of the Horde able to escape from the unrelenting swallowing of the Undertow, including most of the Khan's inner circle and his companion, the Rani.

As the broken Cetacean Barbarians dragged their shattered bodies back to their homesea, the Khan raved.  He railed against the universe, damned the gods for their pettiness, denying Him the victory that was due to him.  It was as the remnants passed through the shoals of Coinchenn that they fell prey to the Leviathan, a massive monstrosity that saw an easy meal in the bleeding, moaning survivors of the Undertow's wrath.  Unable to take another defeat, ruing His obsession and ashamed of the sacrifice made in his folly, the Khan threw himself at the Leviathan.  Crazed with guilt and shame and loathing, it is said the battle lasted for hours before the Leviathan maimed the Khan, pulling his tusk out from his jaw by the root.  By final decree, the Khan sent his forces back to their homesea as He dragged the monstrosity down to the Shelf and darkness.  Before their retreat, one of the bearers of the Eight Banners saved the Khan's tusk from sinking to the same end as the embattled combatants, and brought it home to the Oceans as a testimony to the end of the First Dynasty.

Returned to its place of birth, those that stayed behind and thus did not witness the descent of the First Khan into ruination, embraced the tusk as a monument to what had gone before.  They carved the military victories of their mightiest leader on the curved ivory, shackled to it the songs and praise of the people in silk.  Named "Khantusk", it became the mantle of power for the Cetacean Oceans, and was wielded by the subsequent Khans as they tried to recapture the glory that once bathed the Orcan hordes.  But never did the defeated Horde reclaimed the absolute allegiance of its people as it once enjoyed, and eventually the Orcan race left their barbaric ways behind to become one of the Civilized.

Here Khantusk languished in obscurity; once a mighty weapon, now little more than a forgotten symbol of an abandoned chapter in history, as reduced in import as the power of the Khan from which it came.  As the Orcans fostered their new role as diplomat between the races, Khantusk's importance was relegated to archivists and historians only.  It disappeared during one of the many outbreaks of the Shellback Wars at the end of the Golden Epoch, when one of the diplomatic missions of the Cetaceans between the two squabbling species went horribly awry and resulted in one of the most protracted skirmishes in Chelon/Lumulus relations before the emergence of the Kraken Empire.

Campaign Use

Khantusk would serve as a mighty tool for unifying nations, for bringing disparate forces together as a cohesive whole.  It would be of great import to any nation, be they expansionist or fending off the incursions of such a nation.  The players could be entrusted with retrieving the cetacean artifact, either from an invading warlord or for a homesea against said invader.  Or perhaps the player characters seek it out for themselves, to aid in their own ascension into the political powers of the Endless Blue.  Even the fact that the artifact is not whole can be a hook for adventure, with various parties of differing ethical and moral standing contesting over a shard of ivory that seems to have magical properties.


- Infused with the decades of loyalty and fidelity, seeped with the patriotism that comes from utter nationalism, the very idea of Khantusk serves as a symbol for unity and leadership.  Those that posses the artifact are imbued with a portion of that First Khan's infamy.  If the bearer possess Khantusk for at least one month, their leadership potential is magnified by a magnitude of one.  Their masses of servants and soldiers swells, expanding from a crowd to an army.  Treat such a character as if they possessed the Leadership feat; and if such character already possess the leadership feat, multiply the results by 10.  Those with silver tongues and a skill for for attracting followers expands in the presence of Khantusk, potentially reaching into the thousands of dedicated supplicants.
- The bearer then begins to form an inner circle of loyalists, dedicated to both the Khantusk's bearer and his cause.  If the bearer has the Leadership feat, Khantusk's charismatic abilities multiplies the number of cohorts that flock to his cause.  The carrier gains a number of cohorts -- referred to as his inner circle -- equal to his normal Leadership result for 1st level followers.  These inner circle cohorts are still limited in experience by the class level limit listed for the bearer's Leadership score.  Members of the Inner Circle may themselves take the Leadership feat and gain their own followers and cohort, benefiting from a +2 association bonus.  However, once the bearer begins to suffer from the artifact's cursed power, that benefit becomes a -5 disadvantage due to the negative association.
- Finally, the bearer gains a companion.  One individual above all others understands the vision the bearer has for the nation and history, and shares in it with non-shakable loyalty.  This special cohort is the equal to the bearer, in level and influence, and will be seen by the bearers followers as the one true source for the bearer's wisdom.  The relationship between bearer and companion can be platonic or romantic, but whate ever the form it takes the pairing forges a primal, pure bond between the two free of jealousy or distrust.
- When held, Khantusk can influence the attitude of others towards the bearer.  It can shift a non-player character's attitude positvely one stage (from hostile to unfriendly, then to indifferent, and so on).  This can only be done once a day per individual, but can influence any number of individuals.  Repeated daily use on the same individual(s) can cause strain on the bearer and may trigger the artifact's curse that much sooner.  If the individual targeted by Khantusk's influencing power is of the same race as the bearer, the adjustment in attitude leaps immediately to friendly status.
- History repeats itself, and Khantusk ensures that those that bear its divine powers repeat the success and ultimate failure of the First Khan.  Slowly, over the length of the bearer's campaign, he will slowly begin to suffer from the same afflictions that the Unifier of the Cetacean Barbarians did: paranoia, megalomania, and narcissism.  His lust for blood and savagery in battle will take its toll, influencing the bearer's mind, making him cruel and primitive.
Suggested Means of Destruction

It must be replaced it in the remains of the First Khan's jaw.
It must be surrendered to the hands of a foe that has never opposed you.
It must be wrested from the bearer by their jaded companion and thrown to the disillusioned masses.