Friday, September 24, 2010

Endless Blue - Week 39 - The Free Olympiad


The Free Olympiad

The spirit of competition, distilled in the phrase "Faster, Stronger, Freer", has inspired the races of the Endless Blue to great achievements of body, mind, and soul.  Nothing embodies the motto more completely than the physical challenge known as the Free Olympiad.

The Olympiad, ironically enough, had its roots in the Kraken Occupation.  The cruel invaders would take troublemakers and leaders -- individuals that had the potential to galvanize the subjected homseas into a rebellion -- and force them into arenas to fight for their lives.  Either against captured predators or other rabble-rousers, they were often subjected to heinous and humiliating shows of violence for the entertainment of the Squid.  The popularity of these fights grew as the years passed by, with slaves and slavers alike rooting for their favored to win.

After the Kraken fell from the grace of their alien gods and the shackles of Occupation were smashed, the arenas remained.  Those in the Periphery were sites of rebellion, when the most experienced of gladiators threw off their yokes and led their fellow slaves to freedom.  The immediate reactionary sentiment was to destroy them all, eradicate any and all relics of the dark chapter of Elquan history in an effort to banish the memories.

And many were.  Some of these buildings were razed in the mania that followed their liberation, but others served as the headquarters of further resistance.  Their utilization as infrastructure for the resistance was extended to post-freedom assistance.  Maintaining these places as the center of liberation transformed them from memorials of past torture into edifices of freedom.  They essentially became symbols of the freedom the sentient races strove to achieve.  So when that freedom was finally won, there was question of what to do with the remaining structures.

The Traditions

The Everglow -- The most well known ceremony of the Olympiad, the Everglow is a metaphorical tradition representing the unending will that perseveres in the face of oppression.  A series of couriers is sent on a circuitous route through the Known World carrying a culture of bio-luminescent plankton that has been kept vibrant since the years of the Occupation.  At the Olympiad site, the surviving plankton is added to a nutrient-rich loam that the tiny creatures will gorge on for the length of the games.  The container is open to the waters, and the fattened plankton disperse throughout the area, becoming a widely dispersed cloud of sparkling motes.
Athlete's Oath -- Every competitor in the Olympiad makes the same oath, a pledge that evolved from the same pledge members of the Resistance made to their cause.
"I, in the name of all the races, pledge that I shall do whatever I can to compete against our obstructors, obeying and protecting the rights which govern us all, committing myself  to a tasking without betrayal and without surrender, in the true spirit of freedom, for the glory of liberty and the honour of our people."
Banner of the Free Olympiad -- The flag flown at the games is the eight arrowed star.  The expanding arrows represent the freedom to move in any direction, while the spectrum of colors represents the individual's right to live as they see fit.  At the center is the pearl, a symbol of wisdom from which freedom is born.  It is ringed by a kelp wreath, all superimposed over a field of white.

Logo for the Free Olympiad
Logo for the Free Olympiad of the Known World
The Games

The Olympiad is a week long event that is held in the Zenith year of each calendar Age.  The games are hosted in turn by one of the four homeseas of the Periphery.  Though the races of the Hinterlands eventually were allowed to compete after lengthy and emotional petitioning, they have yet to be allowed to host an Olympiad.

Every city, from village to metropolis, is allowed entry of one contestant per game.

Stadion -- This is the basic game from which all other competitions grew from.  Originally the "gladiator" was thrown into the arena with a predator and the Kraken watched sadistically as he swam for is life.  Now, the stadion is a short sprint across the stadium.
Diaulous -- A more extensive version of the stadion, the diaulous is a lap around the border of the stadium.  This race has a variant where a baton is passed off to a new runner at the completion of each lap.
Marathon -- Meant as a test of endurance, the marathon consists of eight to sixty-four laps around the stadium.  More progressive organizers have begun to schedule these races outside of arena, across open sea floor, along a pre-determined path with checkpoints at strategic places that must be reached in a specific order.
Wrestling -- A physical test, where two combatants must pin the opponent in one of several classical methods.  It is more a testament to skill than an show of force.
Pankration -- A throwback to the brutal origins of the Olympiad, this bare-handed combat does not end until the opponent submits.  Due to the programs of patriotic propaganda many contestants are inundated by, a long line of athletes have refused to submit when clearly outmatched.  The list of the dead dragged from the arena are both a shameful waste and a tragic reminder of the Olympiad's origins.
Unguis Fighting -- This is essentially a fencing match with thin, flexible javelins with blunted tips.  The game is graded on control of the ungues to strike precisely at vital spots.
Synchronized Swimming -- A tandem sport where complex acrobatics are married to the graceful movement of swimming.
Weightlifting -- Weightlifting in an aquatic environment is more difficult than the simple motion of picking something up.  It is the balancing of an items buoyancy, the ability to keep the weights from rising as well of sinking.  Two bars are used, both identical except for having absolutely diametrically opposite buoyancy -- one positive, the other negative.  The two bars are connect by a pair of fragile cords that break easily if pulled in opposite directions.  The athlete must keep the two bars within the length of these cords, and will be disqualified if either cord breaks.

Despite their lofty intention, the Olympiad has been mired in controversy for as long as it has existed.  The earliest of these controversies is the charge that the mere existence of the Olympiad is a validation of the atrocities levied on the helpless populace during the Occupation.  Some charge that by continuing this barbaric ritual the piscean species are no better than their conquerors.

The games were also charged with racism.  While the Chelon that organize the Olympiad had little problem with this accusation, there was massive backlash for ages that the exclusion of the primitive races were barred entry into the games.  Supporters of the exclusion cited the general belief of Kouton collusion with the Kraken as reason enough for their exile, but the other side argued that if Locanth, Sahaguin, and Yaun-Teel gave their lives for the freedom of all the piscean races, then they should have the right to participate.  Eventually a compromise was reached, with the all primitive races -- including the Kouton -- allowed to join the games.  However, to this day, the Ceph are still excluded, with the usual rhetoric that they lacked the piscean form and thus were not equals.

The death of many contestants has become yet another contentious point against the continuation of the games.  The core of this argument stems from traditional patriotism versus morality.

Perhaps the most controversial aspects of the games is the recent movement to separate the species.  Historically, certain races have dominated particular games.  The swimming games have been locked by the Locanth since they were finally allowed to compete, and the Orcan have won the strength based games to the exclusion of all other races since the games began.  One side argues that even the fittest athlete cannot compete against a species that has evolved to excel at something they themselves did not evolve.  The other counters with the tenants of the Fluid Nations Accord, that all pisceans are created equal, and as equals should not be segregated.

"The Olympiad is a monument to all competition, not just for the winning.
It honors through its glorification the sacrifice of every individual that gave
their life to free us all from our subjugators, not just those that survived the war."

-- Opening commencements of the first Free Olympiad

Friday, September 17, 2010

Endless Blue - Week 38 - Enchanted Items of the Endless Blue


Enchanted Items of the Endless Blue

Some items fit the seas of Elqua perfectly, while others would be anachronistic at best.  Items such as books and elixirs would never survive the ravages of constant immersion in saltwater.  Others, such as the decanter of endless water, make no sense where water is plentiful.

Nautiluses & Aegises

The following Special Abilities are suitable for the Endless Blue campaign setting:

Acid Resistance
Acid Resistance (Improved)
Acid Resistance (Greater)
Bashing -- Aegis only.
Cold Resistance
Cold Resistance (Improved)
Cold Resistance (Greater)
Electricity Resistance
Electricity Resistance (Improved)
Electricity Resistance (Greater)
Fire Resistance -- Becomes Heat Resistance
Fire Resistance (Improved) -- Becomes Heat Resistance (Improved)
Fire Resistance (Greater) -- Becomes Heat Resistance (Greater)
Ghost Touch
Shadow (Improved)
Shadow (Greater)
Silent Moves
Silent Moves (Improved)
Silent Moves (Greater)
Slick (Improved)
Slick (Greater)
Sonic Resistance
Sonic Resistance (Improved)
Sonic Resistance (Greater)
Spell Resistance
Undead Controlling

The following Special Abilities for Nautiluses or Aegises are not suitable for the setting:

Arrow Catching
Arrow Deflection

The following specific armors exist, but the style of armor will be one compliant with the Endless Blue setting:

Banded Mail of Luck
Breastplate of Command
Full Plate of Speed

The following specific armors do not exist:

Celestial Armor
Demon Armor
Dragonhide Plate
-- Possibly may exist, composed of the treated remains of a Kraken, but most like myth or at best a single item.
Plate Armor of the Deep -- In a setting where everything breathes underwater, the usefulness of this nautilus is reduced.

The following specific aegises exist:

Caster's Shield
Lion's  Shield --  Replace the image of a Lion with that of a Shark.
Spined Shield

The following specific aegises do not exists:

Absorbing Shield
Winged Shield


The following Special Abilities are suitable for the Endless Blue campaign setting:

Brilliant Energy
Flaming -- Renamed Boiling, it sheathes the unques in boiling water and deals heat damage.
Flaming Burst -- Renamed Boiling Burst, it explodes with a burst of boiling water, causing additional heat damage.
Ghost Touch
Icy Burst
Ki Focus
Mighty Cleaving
Shock -- Exists, but rarely used due to water's natural tendency to conduct electricity in unforeseeabledirections.
Shocking Burst -- Exists, but rarely used due to water's natural tendency to conduct electricity in unforeseeable directions.
Spell Storing

The following Special Abilities for Ungues are considered unsuitable for the setting:


The following specific ungues exist, but as setting appropriate weapons:

Assassin's Dagger
Dagger of Venom
Flame Tongue -- See Flaming above.  Causes heat damage.
Frost Brand
Holy Avenger
Life Drinker
Luck Blade
Mace of Smiting
Nine Lives Stealer
Rapier of Puncturing -- Can damage some creatures' ability to maintain their buoyancy.
Shatterspike -- Of particular use the rebellion against the Kraken Empire, whose tentacles can be sundered.
Sun Blade
Sword of Life Stealing
Sword of the Planes -- Does not posses the +4 ability.
Sword of Subtlety
Trident of Fish Command
Trident of Warning

The following specific ungues do not exist:

Dwarven Thrower
Mace of Terror
-- The ability is inconsistent with the purposes of a weapon.
Screaming Bolt
Slaying Arrow
Sleep Arrow
Sylvan Scimitar


The following Rings are suitable for the Endless Blue campaign setting:

Animal Friendship
Chameleon Power -- Called Ceph Stealth, but otherwise identical.
Elemental Command -- Water elementals only.
Energy Resistance
Feather Falling -- Called Buoyancy, it activates as per the original item any time the wearer's buoyancy changes from neutral.
Force Shield
Freedom of Movement
Friend Shield
Mind Shielding
Ram -- Renamed Porpoise, but otherwise the same.
Spell Storing (Minor)
Spell Storing
Spell Storing (Major)
Spell Turning
Three Wishes
X-Ray Vision

The following Rings are deemed not suitable for the setting:

Climbing (Improved)
Djinni Calling
Elemental Command
-- Anything other than water elementals.
Jumping (Improved)
Shooting Stars
Swimming (Improved)
Water Walking


The following Rods are suitable for the Endless Blue campaign setting:

Lordly Might
Metal and Mineral Detection
Python -- Becomes a sea snake, otherwise same as original item.

The following Rods are seen as unsuitable for the setting:

Enemy Detection
Flame Extinguishing
Thunder and Lightning


The following Staves are suitable for the Endless Blue campaign setting:

Conjuration -- No unseen servant ability.
Fire -- Produces heat damage equivalents.
Size Alteration
Swarming Insects -- Summons aquatic vermin.
Transmutation -- No baleful polymorph ability
Woodlands -- Called Coral Reef

The following Staves do not exist in the Endless Blue setting:
Earth and Stone
Wondrous Items

The following Wondrous Items are suitable for the Endless Blue campaign setting:
Amulet of Health
Amulet of Mighty Fists
Amulet of Natural Armor
Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
Bag of Tricks -- The ball inside feels slick to the touch, like fish scales.
Bead of Force
Belt (Monk's)
Belt of Giant Strength -- Called Belt of Behemoth's Strength
Boots of Elvenkind -- Called Flippers of Silence
Boots of Speed -- Called Flippers of Speed
Boots of Teleportation -- Called Flippers of Teleportation
Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals -- Reverse the effects for salt and fresh water.
Bracelet of Fiends
Bracers of Armor
Brooch of Shielding
Cape of the Mountebank
Chaos Diamond
Chime of Interruption
Chime of Opening
Circlet of Blasting (Minor)
Circlet of Blasting (Major)
Circlet of Persuasionz
Cloak of Charisma
Cloak of Displacement (Minor)
Cloak of Displacement (Major)
Cloak of Elvenkind -- Called Cloak of Silence
Cloak of the Manta Ray
Crystal Ball -- Rare items, made from the eyeballs of Kraken
Cube of Frost Resistence
Darkskull -- Size of skzull determines the size of unhallowness.
Drums of Panic
Dust of Dryness -- An alchemical capsule that when broken removes all water from an area.  Usually employed in small, sealed containers to extract elements and compounds for alchemy.
Dust of Tracelessness --  Another alchemical concoction that blocks currentsense when released into the current.
Elemental Gem -- Water elemental only.
Eyes of Charming
Eyes of Doom
Eyes of the Eagle -- Called Eyes of the Flounder
Eyes of Petrification -- Effect turns victim into coral, but otherwise exactly as original item.
Figurines of Wondrous Power -- All figurines are of aquatic species.
Gauntlets of Orcan Power
Gem of Brightness
Gem of Seeing
Gloves of Dexterity
Goggles of Minute Seeing
Goggles of Night
Hand of Glory -- Must be the hand of a Mer.
Hand of the Mage -- Must be the hand of a Chelon.
Harp of Charming
Hat of Disguise -- Called Headband of Disguise
Headband of Intellect
Helm of Brilliance
Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic
Helm of Telepathy
Helm of Teleportation
Horn of Blasting
Horn of Blasting (Greater)
Horn of Fog -- Creates a cloudy current, but otherwise exactly as original item.
Horn of Goodness/Evil
Horn of Valhalla -- Called Horn of Narwahl, summons barbaric Narwahl Orcans
Horseshoes of Speed -- Just as Flippers of Speed.
Lens of Detection
Lyre of Building
Mantle of Faith
Mantle of Spell Resistance
Mask of the Skull
Medallion of Thoughts
Mirror of Life Trapping
Mirror of Mental Prowess
Mirror of Opposition
Necklace of Fireballs -- Creates boiling equivalents.
Pearl of Power
Periapt of Health
Periapt of Proof against Poison
Periapt of Wisdom
Periapt of Wound Clousure -- Very useful to help prevent stalking by creatures with bloodscent.
Plylactery of Faithfulness
Plylactery of Undead Turning
Pipes of Haunting
Pipes of Pain
Pipes of the Sewers -- Summons aquatic vermin, but otherwise exactly like original item.
Pipes of Sounding
Robe of Blending
Robe of Bones
Robe of Eyes
Robe of Scintillating Colors -- Becomes less effective the deeper under water you go.
Rope of Entanglement
Salve of Slipperiness -- An alchemical salve
Scabbard of Keen Edges
Scarab of Protection
Sovereign Glue
Stone of Alarm
Stone of Good Luck
Stone Salve -- Works on coral petrified creature.
Strand of Prayer Beads
Unguent of Timelessness
Universal Solvent
Vest of Escape
Vestment (Druid's)
The following Wondrous Items are unusable in the Endless Blue setting:
Amulet of the Planes
Apparatus of Kwalish
-- This amazing device is a major artifact.
Bag of Holding
Belt of Dwarvenkind
Boat (Folding)
Boccob's Blessed Bookz
Boots of Levitation
Boots of Striding and Springing
Boots of the Winterlands
Boots (Winged)
Bottle of Air
Bracers of Archery
Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals
Broom of Flying
Candle of Invocation
Candle of Truth
Carpet of Flying
Censer of Controlling Air Elementals
Cloak of Aracnida
Cloak of the Bat
Cloak of Etherealness
Cloak of the Manta Ray
Cubic Gate
Daern's Instant Fortress
Decanter of Endless Water
-- Mythical artifact that is said to be the source of all water.
Deck of Illusions
Dimensional Shackles
Dust of Appearance
Dust of Disappearance
Dust of Illusion
Efreeti Bottle
Elemental Gem
-- Except for Water elemental.
Elixir of Fire Breath
Elixir of Hiding
Elixir of Love
Elixir of Sneaking
Elixir of Swimming
Elixir of Truth
Elixir of Vision
Eversmoking Bottle
Gauntlet of Rust
Gloves of Arrow Snaring
Glove of Storing
Gloves of Swimming and Climbing
Golem Manual
Helm of Underwater Action
Heward's Handy Haversack
Horn of the Tritons
-- This fabled horn is a major artifact.
Horseshoes of the Zephyr
Incense of Meditation
Ioun Stones
Iron Bands of Bilarro
Iron Flask
Keoghtom's Ointment
Lantern of Revealing
Manual of Bodily Health
Manual of Gainful Exercise
Manual of Quickness of Action
Mattock of the Titans
Maul of the Titans
Murlynd's Spoon
Necklace of Adaption
Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments
Orb of Storms
Pearl of the Sirines
Portable Hole
Quaal's Feather Token
Quiver of Ehlonna
Ring Gates
Robe of Stars
Rope of Climbing
Scarab (Golembane)
Shrouds of Disintegration
Slippers of Spider Climbing
Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
Stone Horse
Tome of Clear Thought
Tome of Leadership and Influence
Tome of Understanding
Well of Many Worlds
Wind Fan
Wings of Flying

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Endless Blue - Week 37.7 - Muses of the Five Senses


Muses of the Five Senses

As long as pisceans have lived, they have felt the need to express themselves, to share a part of themselves, their beliefs, their understanding, with the rest of the school.  Words, not always adequate in themselves or the individual's mastery of them, are replaced with innovative ways, communicating through other senses what seems impossible by speech.  By nature, muse is subjective, dependent on the skill of the artist to produce, the readiness of the patron to accept ideas, and the social expectation of how the individual should behave.

Art -- Muse of Sight

Art in the Endless Blue is an extension of fabrication.  It is the need to create something solid through a physical medium.  The earliest pieces of art were scrimshaw carvings in flotsam or coral.  As the level of technology increased, art expressed itself in newer mediums, such as through architecture, sculpture, and painting.   Painting through water is a difficult task, and requires specialized pigment that are pliable enough to manipulate with relative ease but resist the environment's constant solvency to wash it away.  The creation of a waxy pigment led to the birth painting, and the pinnacle tool of the trade exists in the form of the greasemarker.  The cultivation of animals led to the use of canvases made of hide, the expression of fashion through the wearing of iridescent scales and mined precious metals.  Packbreeders took wild species of aquatic spider and sea worms that produce small amounts of silk and bred them into textile marvels, just as they grew the oyster and the abalone into giants for their opalescent treasures.  Anything that is made by the hands of a craftsman can be utilized as the basis of art.
Music -- Muse of Sound

Music is as integral part of piscean life as any other artistic expression, and in a world wrapped in water music takes on a life of its own.  The acoustic properties of water are perfect for propagating the reverberating sound waves produced by musical instruments, but require more energy to initiate their tones.  Water carries sound further because it is a denser material, thus can impart the vibration faster than the thinner medium of air.  This means any instrument that can be developed can have an aquatic counterpart.  The musical instruments of Elqua can be broken down into five categories:
Cordostrings -- Instruments that make sound through vibrating a stretched string.  Examples are the violin or lute.
Hydrocurrents -- These instruments produce sound by blowing a column of water through an echoing chamber.  The flute or the common horn are examples.
Idiopercussions -- Represented by a child's rattle, a cymbal, or the xylophone, these instruments elicit sound by striking, scraping, or shaking.  The notes produced are short, and cannot produce extended notes.
Membranedrums -- Similar to idiopercussions in that the need to be struck to produce their notes, these instruments are stretched membranes over a hollow space that serves as a reverberation chamber.
Vocalsong -- The piscean voice, regarded as the most versatile and pliant instrument.  The Orcan versesingers are renown for the haunting beauty of their whalesong.
Through combination of some or all of these types of musical instruments, the waters of the Known World vibrate wonderfully with music.  And in response, somewhere deep within the piscean psyche, is the impetus to dance.  It is the audience's reflection of the expression, the language of agreement, that conveys a deep resonance to the music.
Food -- Muse of Taste

If there is one activity that is common to all the races of the Endless Blue, it would be the need to eat.  Survival, be it as an individual or as a species, is critically dependent on the consumption of nutrients to maintain health.  Without food, there is no energy; without energy, there can be no life.
Culinists are the artisans of this muse, crafting works of culinary magnificence to delight even the most jaded of palette.  They do so by manipulating the taste buds with sensations that can be divided into five categories:
Bitterness -- Classically defined as an unpleasant sensation, the sensitivity to bitterness evolved as a method to detect toxic substances before they are swallowed.  It is best used in small doses to accentuate the taste of a dish.
Saltiness -- This is the well known taste of seawater.  Since every gulp of breath brings the same taste, salt as a spice is usually rare.  It does come into play as a preservative of meat in the process of jerking.
Savoriness -- Savory flavors are those of meat, a heady sensation released during mastication.  Some culinists say that herbivores lack the ability to sense this flavour, which has prevented their evolutionary ascendancy.
Sourness -- Considered the opposite of sweetness, sourness developed as a method of plants and animals to avoid being eaten.  However, in small amounts it can be an interesting counterbalance to a light meal.
Sweetness -- The taste of suger, the food produced internally by plants.  It is the basic source of energy used by not only piscean biology, but most every form of life on the planet.
Sex -- Muse of Touch

Next to the need to feed, the need to breed is nearly universal.  Nature has very cleverly bred the need to spawn into the very flesh of life, under the principle that the more offspring produced betters the chance of one surviving to reproduce itself.
Many of the religions of Elqua, notably the Olyhydrans, use dogma to shame its constituents, twisting their minds to believe that sex is a sin, a horrible temptation that needs to be resisted.  Sex is only sanctioned in the case of matrimony, and then only for the sake of procreation.  By instilling a moral taboo on a natural process, the churches have used their parishioners own guilt to sheperd them into the flock.  Their own guilt tells them they are unworthy of grace, and the church offers them absolution if only they ask for it.
More primitive spiritual systems, like those of the Locanth and the Yaun-Teel, embrace sex as a natural part of being piscean, of being alive.  In these cultures, sex is viewed as any other social activity, bereft of shame.  While the Yaun-Teel revel in their hedonism, the primitives like the Locanth, Kouton, and Sahaguin simply view it as another facet of life.
Between the two extremes fall the rest of the civilized races, trapped between the social taboo of lust and the undeniable yearning to fulfill it.  In these societies, the profession of prostitution has blossomed as a solution for the moral dilemma.
Thought -- Muse of Understanding

A new muse, many traditionalist refuse to accredit its validity.  To simply think is hardly an expression, they say.  But to the imaginative, the inquisitive, the investigative, the need to understand is as fulfilling as any other sense.  They would tell you that that the need to understand is the impetus of all the other muses, for they all seek to open the mind to sensation.  The openness of thought this philosophy espouses is tantalizing for the likes of the Godless, and as a result they flock to it.  But the movement has garnered strong opposition from those that benefit from rote tradition, whom see this dangerous thinking as the beginnings of dissension.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Endless Blue - Week 37.6 - The Islands That Move


The Islands That Move

One of the most disorienting sights on the world of Endless Blue are the phenomena known as the Floating Islands.  Ranging in size from Colossal to Immense, even at a distance their abnormality can be spotted clearly.  Every other island in the world is the result of the sloping sea bed, either sharply or slowly, rising above the level of the sea.  But these migratory islands are land without support, floating rock that hovers illogically in the waters overhead as life swims beneath its expanse.  Only passive research has been made of these strange formations -- given names, charting course, noting size -- but who knows what secrets could be unlocked should an in-depth expedition be launched to explore them.


A minor migratory island, Atlantica appears in the open waters between the Mer Currents and the Yaun-Teel Bights.  The islet's claim to fame is the altitude at which it floats through the water.  Instead of bobbing along at the surface of the seas like all other migratory islands, Atlantic seems suspended in mid-depth.  It appears to be neutrally buoyant, niether rising to the surface or sinking to the depths, but instead constantly changing the level at which it hovers.  Early explorers soon realized that Atlantica keeps a constant level between the Shelf and the Vastness, exactly marking the mid-point between the two extremes.  Chelon navigators used this knowledge to aid in the development of the latitudinal system.

Island Size: Tremendous

Broken Chain Archipelago

An anomaly among the anomalous floating islands, the Broken Chain is an archipelago of small, roughly same sized island whose path is followed exactly by each island, forming a chain.  Five islands in all, these links keep roughtly the same heading and speed as their neighbors, somehow avoiding collision over all these years.  It was from observing these five islands that Seamus Lorwynn first formed his concept for the origin of species, which he entitled pangenesis.  Each island has a vastly different ecology: tropical, arid, temperate, boreal, and polar.  With these widely differing climates in relatively close proximity but still isolated, Lorwynn noticed life forms with distinct similarity but very different traits.  He surmised as one species migrated to a new climate, it eventually acclimated to the conditions there and adapted new traits to aid in its survival.  The isles are named Isle of Lamarck, Isle of Wallace, Isle of Darwin, Isle of Mendel, and the Isle of Avery.  The chain follows a current from the Bay of Kouton north-eastward between the Gulf of Locanth and the Cetacean Oceans to the Arctic Circle, and back again.

Island Size: Tremendous


Believed to be the world's first floating island, the mass floats along the surface of the water, wide and flat, at a constant speed one knot.  It often floats by other islands, masterfully navigating sand bars and other underwater obstacles, coming close enough for animals to make the jump/flight/swim to its lush ecology.  A verdant jungle thrives on the isle of Charybdis, constantly adding new breeds and species with every pass near landfall.  Even the underside of the landmass are fields of coral and barnacles, completely covering every inch of surface.  While species have been seen to immigrate to the island, no witness has ever noticed emigration from it.  This is believe to be caused by majority of botanical life, which has evolved to be carnivorous.

The truth of this floating island is that it is not even an island at all, but an immense creature.  Possibly a tojanida, it seems placid, with no other care than to continually float on Elqua's currents.  It never needs to feed, for the forests of plants on its back burrow their roots and tendrils into the tjonda's carapace in search of sustenance, and in return pass on some of their sugary sap directly to the behemoth's blood stream.  The plants supplement their sap with the nutrients needed to maintain their host by a secondary diet of animals, caught in all manner of ingenious and colorful ways.

Island Size: Immense


Slowly, almost methodically circling the portion of the southern hemisphere blocked off by the Spine of the World, the migrating island dubbed Denebris was a massive meteor that impacted the planet long in its past.  Initially fused to the crater it created upon impact, centuries of erosion wore away at the volcanic rock that trapped it.  Free, the meteorite began to float.  The strange ore that comprises its mass shares a similar structure to that of pumice, with a multitude of microscopic air pockets encased in thin layer of glass.  Deeper into the immense mass, these air pockets become larger, to the point where these glass gas nodules lower the density of the ore surrounding enough to float.  It is shaped much like an iceberg, with only a tiny portion cresting the waves in comparison to the rest of its volume.  The island is remarkably stable, and life has migrated to its surface and made it home, just as it has all over the globe.  Lumulus have begun secret expeditions to mine the island of this ore, which is believed to make deartsteel.  Their endeavor may be causing irreparable damage to the island, compromising it buoyancy and may one day cause it to sink.

Island Size: Immense

Horizon's Compass

Another curiosity in behavior, this elongated, elliptical island does not cruise the currents randomly like the other islands do, but stays stationary.  Instead, it rotates in place at varying speeds, its blunted end the axis and its extended end pointing towards the horizon.  It floats many leagues to the south east of the massive undead sargasso that eclipses the Maw of the Kraken and south of the Crèche of Civilization, in an area of  consistent Shoals called Curin's Pass.  Curin's Pass cuts through the normally impassable Spine of the World, but it falls within the ruins of the Kraken Empire, and as such is never traveled.  But with the recent over-population of the Known World, perhaps there is opportunity for those bold few who ignore superstition to follow where the compass points.

Island Size: Tremendous

Spur Island
One of the smaller  migratory island, this island hosts a mass of the mysterious structures known as Spurs. Scattered across its surface both above and below the waves, they make the island seem more like a giant geode than normal land.  It moves perhaps the most quickly of all the migratory islands, its course keeping a wide berth of any densely populated areas.  Life has not spread to the island due to its listing nature, wherein the island will seemingly rotate in a contrary direction than it is moving in and start a new course.  With no single surface exposed or submerged for any length of time, it maintains a rocky, volcanic look.  Those Godless that chart the Vastness can attest that the island seems to find the fastest gulf streams to carry it across the oceans quickly.  The temperature of Spur Island is enough to make what little rainfall the atmosphere produces freeze into ice and snow, which then melted into the world's ocean when the island rotates.

Island Size: Tremendous

Utopia Garden
This island is neither mineral nor animal, but vegetable.  It is an extremely tightly entwined mass of entagled sargassum that has existed for many centuries.  As the older sargassum dies, newer growths used the dead plants as a source of nourishment.  This layering of interwoven growths has formed a wicker effect that serves as a habitat on the level of the most richest coral reef.  It is home for a disproportionate number of "border" animals -- life forms that can survive on either side of the ocean's surface.  Here, protected from the predation of the Vastness' aberrations and the fishing of the piscean races, an uniquely pacifistic ecosystem has developed. 

Island Size: Colossal

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Endless Blue - Week 37.5 - The Kraken: Ancient Wyrms from Below the Waves


The Kraken:  Ancient Wyrms from Below the Wave

Nothing strikes utter terror into the hearts of the Known World as the mere mention of the world kraken.  Centuries of their ruthless occupation have made their name a terrifying sound, perhaps more feared than even the Vastness.  But the history of their brutality go back further than the existence of the Fluid Nation, as the depraved leviathans are far more ancient than any piscean could imagine.

The entire race numbered less than one hundred known specimens, solitary hermits that were fiercely territorial and shunned others of their own kind.  They staked out their indulgent kingdoms in and around the Maw, and from their underground caverns brought a reign of horror to the placid seas.  They competed with each other, playing out their power struggles in an attempt to gain prominence over others of their kind, forever enacting and re-enacting the same efforts of dominance.  Yet despite their isolationist instincts, under the direction of one particularly cruel kraken they put aside their petty jealousies and hubris to  band together for the first time in written history.  That wicked alliance led to the thousand years of Kraken domination over the piscean way of life.

Kraken are a long lived race, only reaching adulthood at an age when most pisceans become venerable.  Their young are born from perfectly round eggs, each with a diamter of ten or twelve inches.  The shell is thick and semi-translucent, with the gestating yolk visible through a frosty haze.  The floating embryo inside is curled into a w-shape that parallels the pupil of a grown Kraken, making the egg resemble a rendered eye.

Age (Years)
Very young
Young Adult
Mature adult
Very old
Great Squid
3,000 or more

Despite the length of time it takes for maturity, the Kraken are intelligent at birth.  They have not learned to talk, but have enough wits about them distinguish danger or potential prey immediately and take appropriate measures.


Magical Beast (Aquatic)
Hit Dice: By age category
Initiative: By age category
Speed: By age category
Armor Class: By age category
Base Attack/Grapple: By age category
Attack: By age category
Full Attack: By age category
Space/Reach: By age category
Special Attacks: Improved grab, constrict.
Special Qualities: Camouflage, darkvision, frightful presence, ink cloud, low-light vision, spell-like abilities, tracescent, ultravision
Saves: By age category
Abilities: By age category
Skills: Concentration +21, Disguise +17, Hide +10, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (oceanography) +17, Listen +30, Search +28, Sense Motive +17, Spot +30, Survival +10 (+15 following tracescent), Use Magic Device +16
Feats: Alertness, Blind Fight, Improved Critical (barbed tentacle), Improved Initiative
Environment: Temperate underwater caverns
Organization: Solitary (1)
Challenge Rating: Larva 3; very young 4; young 5; juvenile 7; young adult 9; adult 11; mature adult 14; old 16; very old 18; ancient 19; squid 20; great squid 22
Treasure: Triple standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil.
Advancement: By age category.
Level Adjustment:
These colossal squid are approximately 40 feet long, with a thickly muscled yet streamlined body, and a mass of coursucating tentacles around its hugely beaked mouth.  Its bulbous eyes stares out menacingly through its strangely shaped pupils.  Six of its eight limbs stretch out to lengths of 30 feet, with the last pair of tentacles reaching twice that distance.  Covered in barbs, these function as the monstrosity's hands.

Kraken speak the now dead tongue of Aquelan and their native Krakonian.

Kraken are wily predators, and will employ complex tactics to amuse themselves as much as to out-think their opponent.  They will employ their camouflage skills to their greatest effect, picking off stragglers until the main school is weakened enough for a full assault.  Initiating combat, they will normally use all their barbed tentacles to deal damage and their subsidiary other tentacles to grapple, but once into the fray they will take any opportunity that presents itself.  Opponents can attempt to sunder the Kraken's tentacles as if they were weapons.  The primary barbed tentacles have 20 hit points each, and the secondary off-hand tentacles have 10.  The Kraken can use any one of its free tentacles to make a retributive attack of opportunity in response to the sunder attempt.  Severing a tentacle deals damage to the Kraken equal to half of the limb's full normal hit points (10 or 5 hit points, respectively).  Should a Kraken lose both its barbed tentacles and at least three of its other limbs, it will retreat.  It takes 1d10+10 days to regrow severed limbs.

1 Bite
1 Barbed Tentacle
1 Tentacle
2 1/2 ft. long/1 ft. (5 ft. with barbed tentacles, 2 1/2 ft. with other tentacles)
5 ft. long/2.5 ft. (10 ft. with barbed tentacles, 5 ft. with other tentacles)
10 ft. long/5 ft. (20 ft. with barbed tentacles, 10 ft. with other tentacles)
15 ft. long/10 ft. (30 ft. with barbed tentacles, 15 ft. with other tentacles)
20 ft. long/10 ft. (40 ft. with barbed tentacles, 20 ft. with other tentacles)
30 ft. long/15 ft. (50 ft. with barbed tentacles, 25 ft. with other tentacles)
40 ft. long/15 ft. (60 ft. with barbed tentacles, 30 ft. with other tentacles)
Improved Grab (Ex): If the kraken successfully hits with a tentacle attack, it can then attempt to start a grapple without invoking an attack of opportunity.  It establishes a hold and can constrict if it wins the grapple check.

Constrict (Ex): A Kraken automatically deals damage with a successful grapple check.  The damage is 2d8 + Str modifier for the barbed tentacles or 1d6 + 1/2 Str modifier for normal tentacles.

Jet (Ex): In the rare occurrences that a Kraken decides to flee, it can jet backwards at a speed of 200 feet (50 cubes).  This can be done once per round as a full-round action that does not invoke an attack of opportunity, and movement must be in a straight line.

Camouflage (Ex): Pigments saturating the Kraken's toughened skin are malleable, and with a successful Disguise check a Kraken can blend in with its surroundings.  This gives the Kraken the Hide In Plain Sight feat and adds a +10 racial bonus to Hide checks.  The Kraken must maintain his concentration while using his camouflage ability to maintain this effect for more than a round, however failing the Concentration check does not result in the Kraken breaking its camouflage, just losing the racial bonus (it failed to adjust its coloration to take into account an observer’s movement, etc.).

Ink Cloud (Ex): The Kraken can eject a cloud of inky pigment in an 80 foot spread once per round as a free action.  Providing total concealment, creatures caught in the cloud are considered to be in darkness.  The cloud is dissipated in 1d2 rounds.  This ability can may be unusable should the Kraken use the cloud's second form (see below)

Alternately to the cloud effect, once every 1d4 rounds the Kraken can spit a concentrated spout of the jet-black ichor.  This chemically irritating and toxic excretion inflames the gills of those caught in the area of effect and causes suffocation.  Its poison is absorbed into the bloodstream, and as the creature's panicking send its blood coursing through its veins, it carries the toxicity further and faster throughout the body.  A cure poison spell can counteract the poison effect, and the clogged gills can be cleared with a purify food and water.  There is no cloud effect in this form, and the Kraken cannot use the cloud form again until the spout effect has recharged.
Kraken Size
Ink Spout Cone (Length)
5 ft.
10 ft.
20 ft.
40 ft.
80 ft.
160 ft.
280 ft.
Spell-like Abilities: Kraken may cast the following 1/day as a 9th level caster -- control currents, dominate animal, resist energy, and vortex.  Save DCs for these spells are Charisma based.

Kraken by Age

Hit Dice (hp)
Base Attack/ Grapple
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Ink Cloud (DC)
Frightful Presence DC
5d12+5 (37)
2d6 (13)
Very young
8d12+16 (68)
4d6 (16)
11d12+22 (93)
6d6 (17)
14d12+42 (133)
8d6 (20)
Young adult
17d12+68 (178)
10d6 (23)
20d12+80 (210)
12d6 (24)
Mature adult
23d12+115 (264)
14d6 (27)
26d12+156 (325)
16d6 (30)
Very old
29d12+203 (391)
18d6 (32)
32d12+256 (464)
20d6 (34)
35d12+315 (542)
22d6 (37)
Great squid
38d12+380 (627)
24d6 (39)

Special Abilities by Age

Special Abilities
Caster Level
swim 200 ft. (perfect)
16 (+2 size, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 16
Very young
swim 200 ft. (good)
18 (+1 size, +7 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 18

swim 200 ft. (good)
21 (+11 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 21
swim 200 ft. (average)
23 (–1 size, +14 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 23

Young adult
swim 200 ft. (average)
26 (–1 size, +17 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 26
Damage reduction 5/magic
swim 200 ft. (average)
28 (–2 size, +20 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 28

Mature adult
swim 200 ft. (poor)
31 (–2 size, +23 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 31
Damage reduction 10/magic
swim 250 ft. (poor)
34 (–3 size, +27 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 34

Very old
swim 250 ft. (poor)
37 (–3 size, +30 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 37
Damage reduction 15/magic
swim 250 ft. (clumsy)
38 (–4 size, +32 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 38

swim 250 ft. (clumsy)
41 (–4 size, +35 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 41
Damage reduction 20/magic
Great squid
swim 250 ft. (clumsy)
44 (–4 size, +38 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 44

The remnants of the Kraken Empire, abandoned by their otherworldly gods, degenerated rapidly over the years into what is now called the Ceph.  Believed extinct, one Kraken still lives yet.  Trapped in the Undertow when it was still very young, it lurks hidden in the labyrinthine tunnels of the Bubble Below, avoiding all life and slowly losing touch with reality as the years accumulated and became centuries.  It guards its hoard zealously, as if its very existence depends on it remaining safe.

"Dreams do not tell children the Kraken exist; children already know that Kraken exist
Dreams tell children the Kraken can be killed.  Those dreams are our salvation."

-- famous words spoken  by the Cetacean commander at the fall of the Kraken Empire.